耐水性・耐光性に優れた屋外でも使用できる強粘着タイプのラベルシールです。●OAシートラベル●規格:下地不透白/A4/全面(ノーカット)●1冊入数:10枚●総厚:170μm●ラベル厚:90μm●材質:ポリエステルフィルム+レーザー専用塗工●対応機種:カラーコピー機、モノクロコピー機、カラーレーザー、モノクロレーザーA4 It is a label affixed better printing on laser printers. It is highly adhesive you can use with excellent water resistance, light resistance, outdoor sticker labels. Using the texture coated special colors will crack, whites ya off film. Now cut so feel free to cut and can be used. -Printing: laser printer: copy-grammage: 125-input (sheets): 10-plane: 1-sheet size: A4 size (210 x 297 mm)-total thickness: 0. 26-the thickness: 0. 078-polyester film Jan:4906186310406 ? Body weight (kg):0.165 ◆ more interior width (mm): 218 ◆ pieces exterior depth (mm): 305 ? pieces exterior height (mm): 3 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.165How to order in shopping cart