雪国秋田で育った天然の極上山菜「乾燥ぜんまい(干しぜんまい)」は、昔ながらの手もみ天日仕上げ。 毎年春に一度だけの収穫。 栄養たっぷりのぜんまいを、昔ながらの手もみ天日仕上げで一本一本丁寧につくりました。 ------------------ Dried Zenmai (Osmunda japonica) from Yokote City, Akita Prefecture, Japan
It is the finest natural edible wild plants grown in Akita prefecture, made by the old-fashioned sun-dried and is perfect for simmered dishes and stir-fried. It swells 5 to 6 times bigger when rehydrated by soaking in water.
What is Zenmai (Osmunda japonica)? Zenmai is a wild vegetable with young leaves bent like a whirlpool and grows in the forest. The young leaves that have not yet opened are collected for food and its harvest time is from May to June. ------------------ ■販売者 大一商事株式会社(秋田市) ■お問い合わせ/連絡先 018-835-8051 平日: 9時〜1