賞味期限は製造日より6年です。必ず5年以上賞味期限がある商品をお届けします。 ペットボトルは耐熱強化ボトル、梱包箱は高強度ダンボール(K210)を使用しています。 イクスセレクションオリジナルの災害時に役立つ情報記載の箱を使用しています。 Well preserved "Natural mineral water" that can be stored for 5 years. Sterilized mineral water should be heated up to 85°c for 30 minutes using a perfect temperature according to the food sanitization law. In order to ensure more safety, "Kirishima" spring water is heated up to 123°C ± 2°C for 30 seconds and cooled down to 87°C for filling up the bottles. Even the bottle caps are being sterilized using UV sterilization method. Hence, a 5 years expiration date from manufacture date. In other words, this water can be stored for 5 years without no problem.